Beware of idiots, they might surprise you still. And beware of labeling people without truly knowing them.
Jade Goody, star of British reality-TV, became famous for her uneducated, unsophisticated side, and especially when she spoke live on screen about an India woman using markedly racist vocabulary. That's one lady who didn't graduate from Cambridge! She got dragged to the mediatic pillory.
After that, she spoke with the target of her thoughtless words, and in the end they became friends. Then, shortly afterwards, she found out she had cancer of the uterus.
I'm seizing this opportunity to heartily support this modern initiative, and a controversial one because of some imbeciles, to vaccinate girls against papillomavirus before puberty. This quite common virus, transmitted through sex, turned out to be a MAJOR risk factor for uterine cervical cancer. Bigots hastened to caringly worry that "they want to vaccinate little girls against a veneral disease". What's the matter, you crows, you want to wait AFTER the age of first sex, which can legally happen at 15 years and 3 months (in France), and often enough doesn't wait until then? Enough with the pious crimes committed in the name of infantilization of the citizens at any age, teenagers, adults, or even seniors! And enough with these sickoes who fantasize on STDs being some "divine punishment for the fornicators". Babies who are born with the HIV are innocent, end of line.
Right, back to Mrs Jade. A mother of two, she decided to continue with reality-TV, on the theme of her illness, which turned out to be incurable. She earned a big amount of money that way, which will serve to ensure the education of her kids after her death. Which came at age 27, precisely on Mothers' Day. (In Lebanon at any rate, on March 21st.)
If the System is ready to earn big money to those displaying themselves in the media, she'd be very wrong to miss such an opportunity, for such a worthy cause, the porthumous love of a mother. So, you still think the lady was an idiot?
The most important decision in her short uneducated life, she made smartly.
Rest in peace, Jade. You weren't a saint, but you were better than that : a good mother.
Be understanding with your parents. It's really not easy being one.
This reminds me of an episode in my religion classes, at school. One of my classmates, on the topic of sin, mentioned to the teacher the case, for example, of a poor father stealing bread so that his children don't starve. The teacher, with superb gloating confidence, decreed : "Let him not steal! Theft is a sin, God doesn't want it, period."
Hearing that, I thought to myself, that I would steal the bread regardless, and once confronted with God we'd see, surely God was less of a jerk than that self-proclaimed saint who had never been hungry, and his children even less. (Sufficed to see the gut belly he carried around!) What's worse, commit theft, of abandon one's children? And he added this horrible phrase : "If they die from starvation, without stealing, they'll all go to Heaven."
Promises, promises... Sounds just like the last politician I voted for, before the bankruptcy of his friend "genius economist Bernard Madoff"! But the convenient thing about religion, is that if you got lied to, you only find out about it when it's too late. ):-P
That day, I realized that religion really had nothing in common with the fundamental notion of Good and Evil, because those who teach it are sometimes (often?) complete morons.
I do have religious beliefs, yes. It's a choice, and almost not talking about them at all is also a choice. But Clergies, I don't believe in. Their "divine embassy" is nothing but tales for gullible children.
I wasn't aware of it back in the day, but I had already understood instinctively a fundamental truth, which the innocence of children has always known. This I Believe : The only true sin, is absence of Love.
If a mother, for lack of another choice, worked secretly as a hooker for the good of her children, I'd find her sacrifice admirable and moving. As a matter of fact, I do know mothers in that situation. Any parent who loves his/her children deserves to be deeply respected for that, period.
The love of a parent is infinitely more holy than any dusty book. Here's a proof : which of the two did God also give to animals? Huh?
I didn't even wish a happy Mothers' Day to all Moms for March 21st. It's enough for me to tell them, no matter the date, how much I respect them. Religiously.
It's written in my profile.
You know, gentlemen the priests, pastors, popes, rabbis, imams, swamis and what not, you who decree the sending to Hell of people when God himself doesn't judge them in their lifetime... this here is a great sin of pride you're committing. Bordering blasphemy against the Creator, I'd say.
A fanatic with a weapon, or executive power, yes, I'll fear. But the fire and brimstone promises of the exalted, these impress me less than the terrible Heffalump in the animated movies of Winnie the Pooh. Go ahead, blow as hard as you like, global warming is already irreversible anyway. All the better to get ourselves a tan. Where's my swimsuit?
And, after all, a swimsuit, what for? The Pope can have an apoplexy, I don't give a damn.
Maybe his successor will be less of a jerk.Méfiez-vous des idiots, ils risquent parfois de vous surprendre. Et méfiez-vous d'étiqueter les gens sans vraiment les connaître.
Jade Goody, vedette de la télé-réalité britannique, s'est rendue célèbre par son côté inculte, peu sophistiqué, et en particulier lorsqu'elle a parlé en direct d'une Indienne avec un vocabulaire pour le moins raciste. Pas sortie de Cambridge, la dame! On l'a traînée au pilori médiatique.
Après cela, elle a parlé avec la cible de ses propos inconsidérés, et finalement elles sont devenues amies. Puis, peu après, elle a appris qu'elle avait un cancer de l'utérus.
J'en profite pour soutenir vivement cette initiative moderne, et controversée à cause de quelques imbéciles, de vacciner les filles contre le papillomavirus avant la puberté. Ce virus, assez banal, et transmis par les rapports sexuels, s'est avéré un facteur de risque MAJEUR du cancer du col utérin. Les bigots se sont hâtés de s'émouvoir que "l'on veuille vacciner des fillettes contre une maladie vénérienne". Ben quoi, les corbeaux, vous voulez attendre APRES l'âge des premiers rapports sexuels, qui légalement peuvent avoir lieu à 15 ans et 3 mois (en France), et assez souvent n'attendent pas ce moment? Marre des crimes pieux commis au nom de l'infantilisation des citoyens de tous âges, adolescents, adultes, ou même vieillards! Et marre de ces tordus qui fantasment sur les MST comme une présumée "punition divine envers les fornicateurs". Les bébés qui naissent avec le HIV sont innocents, point.
Bon, revenons-en à Mme Jade. Mère de deux enfants, elle a décidé de continuer la "Télé-Réalité", sur le thème de sa maladie, qui s'avéra incurable. Cela lui a rapporté une grosse somme d'argent, qui servira à assurer l'éducation de ses gosses après son décès. Lequel est survenu à 27 ans, le jour même de la fête des mères. (Au Liban en tout cas, le 21 Mars.)
Si le Système est prêt à faire gagner beaucoup d'argent à ceux qui s'exposent dans les médias, elle aurait eu bien tort de rater une telle occasion, pour une si louable cause, l'amour posthume d'une mère. Alors, on pense toujours que la dame était une idiote?
La décision la plus importante de sa courte vie peu éduquée, elle l'a prise intelligemment.
Repose en paix, Jade. Tu n'étais pas une sainte, mais tu étais mieux que cela : une bonne mère.
Soyez indulgents avec vos parents. Ce n'est vraiment pas facile d'en être un.
Ceci me rappelle un épisode de mes cours de religion, à l'école. Un de mes camarades, sur le sujet du péché, a évoqué au professeur le cas, par exemple, d'un père pauvre qui volerait du pain pour que ses enfants ne meurent pas de faim. Le prof, superbe d'assurance narquoise, a décrété : "Qu'il ne vole pas! Le vol est un péché, Dieu ne le veut pas, point final."
En entendant cela, j'ai pensé que, moi, je volerais quand même le pain, et une fois en face de Dieu on verrait bien, sûrement que Dieu était moins con que ce saint auto-proclamé qui n'avait jamais eu faim, et encore moins ses enfants. (Il n'y a qu'à voir le bedon qu'il se promenait!) Qu'est-ce qui est plus mauvais, commettre un vol, ou abandonner ses enfants? Et il a ajouté cette phrase horrible : "S'ils meurent de faim sans voler, ils iront tous au Paradis."
Des promesses, toujours des promesses... On croirait entendre le dernier politicien pour qui j'ai voté, avant la faillite de son ami "l'économiste génial Bernard Madoff"! Mais ce qu'il y a de commode avec la religion, c'est que si on s'est fait mentir, on ne le saura que trop tard. ):-P
Ce jour là, j'ai réalisé que la religion n'avait vraiment rien en commun avec la notion fondamentale de Bien et de Mal, car ceux qui l'enseignent sont parfois (souvent?) des abrutis complets.
J'ai des croyances religieuses, oui. C'est un choix, et ne presque pas en parler est aussi un choix. Mais les Clergés, je n'y crois pas. Leur "ambassade divine", c'est des histoires pour enfants crédules.
Je n'en étais pas conscient à l'époque, mais j'avais déjà instinctivement compris une vérité première, que l'innocence des enfants a toujours sue. En ceci je Crois : Le seul vrai péché, c'est l'absence d'Amour.
Si une mère, faute d'autre choix, travaillait secrètement comme pute pour le bien de ses enfants, je trouverais son sacrifice admirable et émouvant. D'ailleurs, des mères dans cette situation, j'en connais. Tout parent qui aime ses enfants mérite d'être profondément respecté pour cela, point final.
L'amour d'un parent, c'est infiniment plus sacré que n'importe quel bouquin poussiéreux. La preuve : lequel des deux Dieu a-t-il donné aux animaux aussi? Hein?
Je n'ai même pas souhaité "bonne fête" à toutes les mères pour le 21 Mars. Je me contente de leur dire, peu importe la date, combien je les respecte. Religieusement.
C'est écrit dans mon profil.
Vous savez, messieurs les curés, pasteurs, popes, rabbins, imams, swamis et autres, qui décrétez l'envoi en Enfer des gens alors que Dieu lui-même ne les juge pas de leur vivant... c'est là grand péché d'orgueil que vous commettez. Limite blasphème contre le Créateur, je dirais.
Un fanatique avec une arme, ou du pouvoir exécutif, oui, j'en ai peur. Mais les promesses de flammes et de soufre des exaltés, elles m'impressionnent moins que le terrible Heffalump dans les dessins animés de Winnie l'Ourson. Soufflez, soufflez, de toute façon le réchauffement climatique est irréversible. On n'en bronzera que mieux. Où est mon maillot?
Et puis après tout, un maillot, pourquoi faire? Que le Pape attrape une apoplexie, je m'en fous.
Peut-être que son successeur sera moins con.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Jade Goody
Sunday, March 22, 2009
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I do have religious beliefs, yes.That's too bad. Based on your comments here and on Monsieur Stobblehouse's blog I would have figured you to be too rational for that nonsense.
Show me a little proof - or even the hint of the beginning of a proof - for any of the supernatural claims of any religion that has ever existed and maybe I will consider thinking about changing my mind on that. Basically if the existence of any deity were ever proved, it would cease to be supernatural.
(Sufficed to see the gut belly he carried around!) He reminds me of the evil Bishop from 1990's Robin Hood Prince of Thieves:
Skip ahead to 4:48.
Yer fancy-shmancy deep philosophy is too complicated for my noggin, see? I'm a simple guy, don't mess with my head, awright? Easy now, just put the big book down and walk away without sudden moves, yeah? An' nobody gets hurt between da ears.
Besides, I've never read about this Bartholomew Samson in the Bible, so I'll have to consider his Prophecies apocryphal. C'thulhu F'taghn, klaatu barada dickjo! Amen.
Panic not, my brother. Perhaps I should've been more specific : I have beliefs of a religious nature. About the things that religions generally self-appoint themselves to explaining. I have strictly personal spiritual opinions and conclusions, markedly different from all the irrational that legitimately worries you. A bit like a non-catholic Descartes. (Descartes based his whole world view on doubt, skepticism... and then hurriedly went back to explaining how the classic religious God explained everything, and animals were just flesh machines/automatons with no souls!)
And yes, they are called beliefs because they cannot be proven. I *know* I can never be sure that I'm not mistaken. (How's that for worrying to you?)
Anything you can detect, you can hope to affect, so that would definitely contradict the notion of God. This intrinsic undemonstrability also slams Pandora's box wide open (with a roundhouse Chuck Norris Bib Bang kick©) to persuading people with pretty much any naive theory you can come up with. Because there's no proof that any one theory is less outlandish than the rest, except for blind belief bolted to one's guts.
Me, I believe in stuff like the existence of an immortal soul, or that this Universe is, somehow, more than just a cold hard empty prison of infinite pointlessness for us to wander aimlessly while sighing in angst. You know, the "philosophical" kind of religious belief.
Oh, and also the notion of Good, which isn't always a brute mass of solid certainties and clear choices. :-) As I've said.
It's a moral choice, an attitude that satisfies my need for some answers. Atheist "beliefs" ALSO failed to convince me with their taking opposite counterpart to everything religions believe in. Too simplistic, too "reverse psychology" for me.
But don't expect to bring me on my knees beating my chest and bowing in shivers to something that an exalted guy's speeches are supposed to make me see, or pretend to see (in an Emperor's new clothes syndrome). Too many cults do the same.
My "raw intellect" could only be satisfied by thinking for myself.
The second you start thinking logically, you're a lost cause for the Clergies. Their job is to think for you.
Do I consider that I know better than all the heirs of millenia-old spiritual tradition institutions? Well, when I see how thick, narrow and grossly moronic these people too often are, like the Vatican about anything sexual and reproduction, or the cover-up of inside paedophilia, or Al-Azhar about women's rights and religious freedom, or those beastly fanatics nicknamed "the Hindu Talibans", or fundamentalist Sharia, etc... then by all means that's a 'yes'. I consider that it's way too easy to have more sense than those jerks.
I don't think I'm especially smart because of it. I just think they're so stupid, that I'd have to be even dumber to consider them references for what I'll believe in. It's all relative. ;-)
Doubt? Uncertainty? They're healthy! I've encountered in my life several people who genuinely believed to know "everything, or nearly", to have the Cosmos all figured out. Generally thanks to one word: "God". Or Allah, Jehovah, Yahve, Brahma, Buddha, Wotan, Odin, Zeus, Huitzilopochtli, Lug, whatever.
Well, these people always, and very promptly, struck me as being very limited, ignorant, and stubbornly clinging to their beloved crass thickness : "It IS this way, and I'm not listening to anything you say of the contrary. Or to your pointless questions about why innocent newborns would be sick with Aids and condemned in advance. Original Sin, here's your answer! They and all of us deserve it anyway. HAH!" They're also very prompt to start yelling in order to subdue you into silence with their "charisma". ):-P
My scientifc observation, is that the more intensely people become "religious", the less they use their grey matter to think. Not for me, thank you very much. I'll... "just say No"! ;-)
"Opium of the people"? Given the clear signs in those who abuse its use, I'd say Yes.
Bigotry: a very dangerous mind-rotting addiction.
I'm allergic to bigotry. Literally. It always gives me physical reactions of discomfort. Like nausea.
Liver and eggplant too, but that's for another discussion...
(You know, I'd love to be able to call you by a friendlier name. Cosmic harmony and all that blah-blah.)
My net connection is too slow for movies 5 minites long or more. Fortunately, I still vividly recall that classic starring Kevin Costner. (Just this week I watched Dances with the Wolves again. :-)
I know when I'm beaten. I'd love to brag that my "teacher" was uglier than yours -or your example- but I'd be lying. :o)
And let us not forget that lying is a Sin on the Main List, therefore equivalent in gravity and eternal damnation to Murder, premarital sex, disobeying your parents, not going to Church on Sundays, shoplifting, playing Grand Theft Auto (virtual sin is officially accountable), and looking at your filthy rich neighbor's Ferrari Testarossa wishing you had one too.
All major soul-destroyers. Fortunately, wanking only makes you blind, and taking it up the ass is merely a "confusion", unlike fucking goats which is an "abomination".
(sigh) It's all so complicated. Especially if you want to follow every Holy Book Mobile, just to ride on the safe side.
And let us not forget the headbanging dilemmas every time one Book tells you that all the other ones are false and lures sent by the Devil.
Now you understand why I chose to just listen to my sense and conscience? :-)
At least, there's only one of me.
Except for the voices in my head.
You're wrong, there are no voices in your head.
Really? Gee, thanks. BTW, who are you?
Nobody. I'm certainly not talking from inside your head.
You sure?
Wow. What a relief.
Me, I believe in stuff like the existence of an immortal soul, or that this Universe is, somehow, more than just a cold hard empty prison of infinite pointlessness for us to wander aimlessly while sighing in angst. You know, the "philosophical" kind of religious belief.
But where is the proof? As a rational, thinking person you should need a better explanation than that. Plus our own fears shouldn't be used to say "Because I fear a cold, meaningless, random universe, therefore it must have meaning." Kind of lame, Doc. I too expect better of you than that. This would not fly on the planet Vulcan.
Atheist "beliefs" ALSO failed to convince me with their taking opposite counterpart to everything religions believe in. Too simplistic, too "reverse psychology" for me.
There's nothing of reverse pscyhology in it, P-04. What we're talking about here is proof. Real, physical, tangible evidence. I'd love to have some kind of life after death, but there's no proof for it and no proof of a soul. We'll never know till we're dead. Until then I don't need anyone blowing smoke up my equisitely toned ass. If I wanted that I'd be at home with a pack of cigarettes and a short length of hose.
P.S. I no longer get any Domai mail, I guess I've been cut off! Now I finally have a reason to cry myself to sleep at night! ;-)
Show me a little proof - or even the hint of the beginning of a proof - for any of the supernatural claims of any religion that has ever existed and maybe I will consider thinking about changing my mind on that.
Jimbo, if you were a chick, I'd be all over you like white on rice!
"Proof? You want proof? You can't HANDLE the proof!" ;-)
Just kidding. I *did* say there CAN be no proof.
A belief is simply a hypothesis, namely here "a non-scientific hypothesis". Which, strictly speaking, designates a hypothesis which we cannot possibly attempt to disprove. OR to prove, either. We can't know. But does this mean we shouldn't suppose? Methinks that's a negatory.
I'll just have to settle for uncertainty. Which, in a way, is awesome. I'll stay curious and intrigued my whole life about at least one thing.
And THEN, then I'll know, one way or the other. While I sure hope to enjoy life for a good long while, I feel that death would be a riveting (oops! poor choice of words for the Release) final journey of exploration. And in fact, that perhaps the end is just another beginning.
(See here for a small example. Scroll right down to the final line. Then, eventually, read from the top. :-)
Note: to enjoy this fanfic even more, you'd better read the whole webcomic first. Or at least the page linked to at the top.
Should we CHOOSE to remain without beliefs, without hunches, hypotheses, about anything that's not yet within the scope of scientific scrutiny? Probably not. That would be against the pioneer mentality of our greatest scientists. We must only know and remember, always, that these are not proven, just suppositions, intuitions.
I was always very poor with "mandatory full acceptance" demanded in our religion classes. Calleth me a bad seed.
Science has, in fact, studied, if not God, the "religious phenomenon" in Homo sapiens. Neuro-bio-physiology seems to indicate that indeed, there is "a God-shaped void inside of us". [Which of course is no proof of any "intelligent design"!]
Our brains are hard-wired for religious-type beliefs, and all that ensues in well-known behaviors and emotional circuits. More or less depending on human diversity and education, of course. We -in general- are practically designed to believe in things transcendant, supernatural, and related to us. This is why every human society in space and time has had some religion or another. "If God didn't exist, we'd have to invent Him." - (Voltaire) Which, clearly, we did. Most of us, or all of us, depending on your own attitude to local Faith.
Alas, we cannot deduce the shape of God, in negative, from that of the "void" within us, because it's notoriously blurry and vague. All the explanations I was fed, about God being the mandatory source of morals, decency and Good, were low-grade baloney. You don't NEED to chant the name of Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, Krishna, Doumbala... to be a very decent guy. And it's certainly not SUFFICIENT to make you a decent person, either!!!!!!!!
There are abominable criminals in every known human society. Religion isn't a fool-proof prevention at all.
Not only are we prepared to believe in mysteriously superior, counter-logical phenomenons or intelligent entities routinely violating the known laws of Nature, not only do we have a scientifically established NEED to believe in some clearly illogical things, but in fact it's been found that "the more irrational, the more it's likely to work". Like, say, the dead resurrecting, a virgin having a child, humans with way too many body parts, with heads of animals or other cross-species mixtures, metamorphosis regardless of mass conservation and genetics, descending from The Skies or ascending there to dwell on the clouds, a BDSM mega-resort under the Earth crust for those who were naughty, a fat guy in red delivering gifts at the end of the year (yes, Santa can be considered like a religious-type belief for kids)...
Santa's a poor religious belief, technically, but only because it's notoriously open to counter-proof. Not God. God is invisible, immaterial, untouchable, everywhere... the perfect secret agent! With license to kill. Believe, and tremble.
Still, the media and movie industry are doing a great job at promoting our childhood superstitions.
A typical example of non-scientific beliefs is the statement "there is a Sea Serpent". (Or, if you're more traditionally Celtic, a Loch Ness beast.) If it is one day witnessed, sure, it's proven. But NOT finding it for centuries still cannot prove it doesn't exist! Therefore, it's not a scientific hypothesis. Unlike that statement: "The electrostatic attraction force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance." Now THAT can be verified, and either confirmed or debunked.
Me, I just found that atheists stating "I believe there IS no God" is just as non-scientific. Since everybody has to either find their own answers, or choose to lets some guru/prophet/great Kahuna think in their place, well, I just followed my deep anarchist tendancies.
My guess is, probably nobody has all the answers, but maybe nobody is capable of such a feat in reverse to have it ALL wrong. I mean, consider for a second the fervor of Trekkies, or X-Men fans, like some religious fervor. (Sometimes it gets rather plausible, doesn't it?) Well, we KNOW it's all imaginary stories, but "there's something to it". Mutant-o-phobia in X-Men is an allegory for the very real phenomenon of racism. "Blacks run faster, box harder, and have bigger dicks", sounds familiar? And the Legacy Virus in the same series is clearly (even officially) symbolic of Aids. First it was a disease of muties, then it started hitting "normal humans" as well!
When you consider the incidences on our daily life, there IS "something to it". At least, some food for thought.
So just don't throw the baby with the bath water. Religions have something to teach us. At the very least, something to teach us about ourselves. A bit like Disco.
Not that I could explain what Disco taught me. :-)
The very existence of religions, and their characteristics, need to be acknowledged for the sake of our self-understanding. And maybe some day we'll find more than we had planned. Never underestimate the cosmic-scale power of serendipity!
BTW, does anything fly on planet Vulcan? Not imagination, that's for sure.
The minds of Vulcans are amazing when it comes to intelligence, but their phobia of all emotions makes them allergic to the very thought of sex (a rather religious attitude, no? ;-), and this I cannot approve! I believe that sex is great. And nothing you can say will ever change my mind, so there. BLAH-BLAH-BLAH, I'M NOT LISTENING!
"Until then I don't need anyone blowing smoke up my equisitely toned ass."
Hmmm... Are you SURE? This might me an enjoyable experience to some.
Especially opium smoke. Would probably be similar to smoking crack.
A pretty missie blowing ganja smoke up MY rather handsome ass, now that's something I might consider, mon. Don't diss it until you've tried it. "In the name of all that is holy!"
What do you mean about showing Jimbo "proof"?
FYI, the Vatican has released an official note:
Lying in bed with another person, and saying:
"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!"
Will NOT be considered praying,
No matter how eagerly you say it.
"Hmm... Chicken with rice!"
My Mom makes a delicious ginger chicken with rice! Recipe courtesy of an old Vietnamese friend.
About the Domai mail : I'll slip in a good word for you with the Big Guy. Thou hast not pleaded in vain. I have connections, you know.
Say, you sure you haven't changed e-mails? You've vanished from my followers list. (So now, there IS no list anymore! ;-)
I still have going, but my new Joe Dick blooger account is with I think Eolake would approve of that one as he has said more than once that I am a dick!
Nah, you just behave like one sometimes.
Is it the newsletter? What address did you use?
but their phobia of all emotions
An understandable phobia in their case - their emotions (more powerful than those of humans) - almost destroyed their society!
makes them allergic to the very thought of sex (a rather religious attitude, no? ;-)
I dunno, Doc, I think after a seven-year drought the sex would be pretty mind-blowing! ;-)
Would probably be similar to smoking crack.
Hey look, everybody, I'm smoking crack! Oh, no, wait. I meant to say my crack is smoking! ha ha ha Thanks everybody, I'm here all week.
Is it the newsletter? What address did you use?
It wasn't the newsletter. A dog's age ago you added me to some list, the people you send things like "great letters" and stuff like that. I was using at the time.
Nah, you just behave like one sometimes.
Well, right back at ya! :-) ...There are bound to be occasional clashes. At least you aren't one of those douches who censor comments on their blogs.
Aha, that wasn't a Domai list, that was just my personal one. I removed some people who hadn't written in a while. You could just have asked me. You're back now.
I figured I was on the outs. I think that it was actually a bit of a misunderstanding but I made it worse by trying to explain.
Joe, come on! No matter what some extremist feminists say, a man's more than just a dick.
There's a whole body of interesting applications installed around it! ;-)
"their emotions (more powerful than those of humans) - almost destroyed their society!"
And here is where my deep ignorance of the Star Trek universe finally shows.
I love it, but it's seldom easy to watch. In Lebanon, when you start watching TV, you're never sure you'll get to finish your program without the juice dying on you.
Never a dull moment! :-P
"I think after a seven-year drought the sex would be pretty mind-blowing! ;-)"
Well, I'm sure we can reach reasonably mind-blowing quality with a little more quantity! :-)
I've heard of nuns who had more fun than that! (No, I can't give you their addresses.)
"Oh, no, wait. I meant to say my crack is smoking!"
I hadn't seen THAT one coming??? :-O
"Thanks everybody, I'm here all week."
I'll be buying a season ticket! :-)
I hadn't seen THAT one coming??? :-O
Ah, but you are Lebanon's very own Doogie Howser! ;-)
Johnny, I got a copy in the mail of your comment before you removed it. I can address your position on my blog, unless you'd rather I don't?
If you wish, you can also write an open mail to me, which I could put on the blog and answer. My gmail address is eolake.
"I got a copy in the mail of your comment before you removed it."
A rather common occurrence.
But, as the popular saying goes, "only imbeciles never change their minds". ;-)
Still, The Dickster may be intelligent therefore, but he's still far behind some "geniuses" I know. ;-)
Among Lebanon's politicians, is probably the smartest man in the Universe, based on that criterium!
Nice effort anyway, Joe. :-)
P.S.: Honesty demands that I confess, I'm notably older than my esteemed colleague Dr Howser.
In body, at any rate...
He's probably more mature mentally than I am. :o)
Johnny, I got a copy in the mail of your comment before you removed it. I can address your position on my blog, unless you'd rather I don't?
If you wish, you can also write an open mail to me, which I could put on the blog and answer. My gmail address is eolake.
That's okay, never mind. It wasn't really anything to do with you just something that happened that day which made me feel a little less charitable toward my fellow man.
OK, thank you. Good to know.
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