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Presque tous les articles sont bilingues.

English spoken. On parle français. (وكمان منفهم عربي، حبيبي)

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La plupart du contenu de ce blog est soumis aux droits d'auteurs. Par exemple, nombre des illustrations les plus récentes sont faites par moi. Je suis du genre coulant. Si vous comptez emprunter du contenu, SVP contactez-moi en laissant un commentaire. :-)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Toxic questions

"A Kuwaiti released from Guantanamo blew himself up in Iraq"
Was he in Guantanamo for being a terrorist, or was he a terrorist from being in Guantanamo?...
Not totally unrelated, but my instimct reads the signs, and assures me that some in Lebanon are very seriously preparing to wage war. Pseudo-repented militia leaders have admitted near-officially -for he who knows how to hear them- that their followers are undergoing systematic intensive training abroad and massively equipping with weapons, and that they plan to strike first.
Of course, they'll only go to war if such is the decision/command that comes form their influential foreign sponsors (like in 1975, when the whole worls "sponsored" somebody in Lebanon, save perhaps for Switzerland and the Tonga Islands?...).
Will these sponsors be capable of taking the wise decision at the last moment? Alas I very much doubt it. They never learn.
In Lebanon, like in Iraq-Iran, like in Israel-Palestine, is the worst still avoidable? The warhounds are howling yonder, and their packs are closing in.
I feel like I'm watching a boiling pressure-cooker, wondering when the lid is going to blow up in my face. How much steam pressure can it withstand, if nobody dims the fire?
"Others have war, over here we have a volcano." - a saying in Martinique

"Un Koweïtien libéré de Guantanamo s’est fait exploser en Irak"
Etait-il à Guantanamo parce que c'était un terroriste, ou était-ce un terroriste parce qu'il fut à Guantanamo?...
Sans transition réellement incongrue, mon instinct lit les signes, et m'assure que certains au Liban se préparent très sérieusement à faire la guerre. Des chefs miliciens pseudo-repentis ont quasiment avoué officiellement -pour qui sait les entendre- que leurs partisans suivent un entraînement intensif et systématique à l'étranger et s'équipent massivement en armes, et qu'ils ont l'intention de frapper en premier.
Bien sûr, ils ne la feront, la guerre, que sur la décision/l'ordre de leurs influents parrains étrangers (comme en 1975, où le monde entier a "parrainé" au Liban, à l'exception peut-être de la Suisse et des Iles Tonga?...). Ces sponsors sont-ils capables de faire le choix sage au dernier moment? J'en doute hélas beaucoup. Ils n'apprennent jamais.
Au Liban, comme en Irak-Iran, comme en Israël-Palestine, le pire est-il encore évitable? Les chiens de guerre hurlent dans le lointain, et leurs meutes se rapprochent.
J'ai l'impression de regarder une marmite à pression bouillonnante, me demandant quand son couvercle va m'éclater au visage. Quelle pression peut-elle supporter si personne ne baisse le feu?
"D'autres ont la guerre, nous on a un volcan." - Dicton Martiniquais


Anonymous said...

Time to get out. As a doctor you could make some pretty good scratch, even outside The Great Satan.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

You're right: in spite of the nude beaches, free love and freedom to criticize religions, Denmark isn't the only option. ;-)

But it's not easy. I don't mind one bit having roots in two places; but half of my family is here, some of which will never leave. It's one thing never to fully belong somewhere; it's another to leave forever...

Ah well, as I told my mother before she went to France for a vacation, it doesn't matter if a war might start while she's away, we wouldn't be any safer just because she stays with us, and at least if she's abroad one of us would be safe.

That's the lebanese spirit. The worse things get, the more we joke about them. You could say it's a small insanity that protects us from going mad. "The serenity to accept what we cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference..."

Speaking of toxics, I'm wondering... is there any counter-indication for getting high on booze if you're already doing chocolate? And I'm considering full tri-therapy, by including sex to the daring mix.
I already have some sweet pussy in my bed almost every night. Except when he's out catching mice...

Anonymous said...

Speaking of toxics, I'm wondering... is there any counter-indication for getting high on booze if you're already doing chocolate? And I'm considering full tri-therapy, by including sex to the daring mix.
I already have some sweet pussy in my bed almost every night. Except when he's out catching mice...

I don't know if I'd advise that, man - you remember what happened to George Costanza. Tried to combine his three passions - food, TV, and sex. He flew too close to the sun on wings of Pastrami.

But it's not easy. I don't mind one bit having roots in two places; but half of my family is here, some of which will never leave. It's one thing never to fully belong somewhere; it's another to leave forever...

Yes, but a lot of people bring their families over later. As for Denmark, you'd have to learn Danish. Everybody seems to speak English there, but if you were going to work there and eventually become a citizen you'd have to learn the lingo. You already speak English and French! ;-)

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

"He flew too close to the sun on wings of Pastrami."
We all have to die eventually. Might as well do it in a blaze of sizzling pizza-scented glory while having a blast.

"You already speak English and French!"
And Arabic. I've been considering Spanish, because it's both simple for me and very widespread in the world (might as well learn an optimally useful one, ¿si?); and also Japanese, for videogaming fandom motives. "Sushi no katana tabemas ne!": I'll eat my fish finely chopped, please.

Anonymous said...

Bah! Everyone speaks English anyhow, and if they don't they ought to!

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Diantre, mais quel est donc ce dialecte inintelligible? Monsieur, je n'entends point votre parler hermétique, sacrebleu! Décidément, ce monde s'en va à vau-l'eau, part en capilotade, il n'y a plus de valeurs, tout fout le camp, c'est la chienlit au milieu du chiendent. Quelle misère que cette invasion de barbares aux sonorités gutturales!
Au revoir. J'irai revoir ma Normandie.

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