India's taking action against moronism, and with intelligence. (But is there any other way to respond?)
"From the birth of a girl to her majority, her parents will receive a 5,000 Euros subsidy." That's a little more than $7,500 at today's exchange rate. For India, that's a nice amount! Aim goal: to save 100,000 girls in 2009. Added argument: "Daughters are a long-term investment, because they take care of their parents in their old age." Not the sons, not in India. Boo!
I really like that positive encouragement method. It's way better than repression. For those who are too dourak to want a daughter with such incitations, it's best to see their imbecilic mentality come extinct with them!
I absolutely don't know whether mentality comes from genes, family education, or the social milieu. It doesn't matter. It's something transmitted, and for those who are REALLY too dumb to preserve half of their descendance, it's better if their ways come extinct as a direct consequence.
Besides, with an increased demand for girls that are getting more and more scarce, those who had enough brains to keep them will less willingly marry them to the sons of families with a suspicious absence of females. For fear that their well cared for daughter ends up with a dourak.
Marriage is a life partnership, with equal love, respect and trust on both sides. And a lot of them. Without keeping count.
L'Inde agit contre la connerie, et avec intelligence. (Mais existe-t-il une autre manière?)
"De la naissance à la majorité d'une fille, ses parents recevront une prime de 5.000 euros." Soit un peu plus de $7.500 au cours actuel. Pour l'Inde, c'est une jolie somme! But espéré: sauver 100.000 filles en 2009. Argument supplémentaire: "Les filles sont un investissement à long terme, car elles s'occupent de leurs parents âgés." Pas les fils, pas en Inde. Bouh!
J'aime bien cette méthode d'encouragement positif. C'est bien mieux que de la répression. Ceux qui sont trop dourak pour vouloir une fille avec de tels encouragements, c'est qu'il vaut mieux voir leur mentalité imbécile s'éteindre avec eux!
Je ne sais absolument pas si la mentalité vient des gènes, de l'éducation familiale, ou de l'entourage social. Aucune importance. C'est quelque chose de transmis, et ceux qui VRAIMENT sont trop idiots pour préserver la moitié de leur descendance, tant mieux si leur façon de faire s'éteint par conséquence directe.
D'autant qu'avec une demande accrue pour des filles se faisant plus rares, ceux qui ont eu assez de cervelle pour les garder les marieront moins volontiers aux fils de familles où l'absence de femelles est suspecte. De peur que leur fille bien soignée finisse chez un dourak.
Le mariage est un partenariat de vie, avec autant d'amour, de respect et de confiance des deux côtés. En grande quantité. Sans compter.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
India vs Dourak
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
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I absolutely don't know whether mentality comes from genes, family education, or the social milieu.
Total speculation, but I suspect it is all of the above. A person's intelligence, though, does not seem to mean that they will not hold and defend to the death totally wrong-headed views.
Marriage is a life partnership, with equal love, respect and trust on both sides.
That's the ideal, and it's the way I'd want it, but it doesn't seem to be the norm. Even in countries which would like to see themselves as civilized and enlightened, it seems that most men's wives are their slaves or at least there's the understanding that they are definitely not in charge.
I have seen the opposite too, where the woman is dominant. Neither way is good. It should be a true partnership.
"Total speculation, but I suspect it is all of the above."
Yeah, I know. That was just a precaution against possible accusations of racism/xenophobia in our age of fanatic political correctness.
I don't believe there are any primitive/inferior ethnic groups. But some cultures and mentalities? I'm well placed to know!
There can be some imbalances in marriage, regarding work or decision making. But they don't become a problem, only a complementarity, if there is "equal love, respect and trust on both sides".
Considering the other as bound to obey isn't that at all. It's selfishness.
And shameful.
Finally, my country has taken a very noble step. I wished if they would have intercaste marraiges there. :-) Oh my Arushi.
I meant they could have encouraged more intercaste marriages.
Arushi? Is that the name of the girl you love? Sounds pretty.
Intercaste marriages are now TECHNICALLY possible. In theory. But the mentalities need to follow, and this can take a LOT of time. Meanwhile, "forbidden loves" must emigrate to exist. :-(
Thanks for the compliment. I hope that sort mentality changes as soon as possible.
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