You don't want no Natasha? "Then get lost, you sorry creep!" - (Nicolas Sarkozy)
For 6 years now, the Taliban's rule over Afghanistan has ceased. Good news? Think again! Not for women, it's not.
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING has changed for our sisters. Today, girls still don't have the right to go to school, and their typical destiny is to become mere breeders of kids, and slaves for boxing bearded blokes (boozing is prohibited, but they have opium a-plenty...). AT LEAST 60% are forced into marriage and brutalised, which drives them to despair, so that 87% of them see no other way out but suicide. Through immolation by fire. Like in India.
1300 years ago, in Europe, people would marry very early. 14 or 15 years old, for a girl, was a proper age. Still being single at 23 amounted to having become a "spinster". One of my great-grandmothers married at 16 (and I don't know about the other ones). Times change. I heard somewhere that Mary of Nazareth, mother of Jesus, got engaged at age 12 or 13, 2000 years ago. 1300 years ago, Muhammad (yes, THE Prophet, none other), then aged 50 something, got engaged to little Aicha, aged 6, and waited till she was 9 before consummating the marriage. It was in very ancient times (ancient and primitive), and maybe -who knows?- Aicha had an early puberty, "becoming a woman" at 9. I won't judge upon what I don't know well. But today, little afghan girls are, in broad daylight, SOLD as wives AT 6 YEARS OF AGE.
"Oh shit, 6 years!" - (Jacques Chirac)
If this isn't legal pedophilia that would even have made the Prophet puke, I don't know what it is!!!
I don't have any children yet (I'm still available, all you pretty missies between ages 18 and 108 out there), but if I lived in Afghanistan and a hirsute beastly flea-bag looked at my 6 year-old daughter before asking me for a price, I'd grab a big knife, and I'd cut off his flea-infested beard! A deep cut, even if the throat should get damaged, if you catch my drift...
I've got a great idea, to help change all that: I buy myself an echography machine, I go get settled in Kabul the mabul city ("mabul", from the arabic "mahbool", moron), and I'll make prenatal gender diagnosis, for no more than half a dowry apiece. With free bonus abortion, if it's a girl. (Alternative proposal: I rid them of the baby at birth, and find her a REAL family that will adopt her.) Mathematically, 30 years from now, this sub-species unworthy of being called "humans" should come extinct from lack of females. Frankly, it's tempting...
Switching locations, in India abused women are starting to react. They've formed a "street gang", called the Pink Saris (guess what their uniform is), who support each other, learn self-defense, and eventually apply the talion law to brutal husbands. When I hear that, me don't pink me feel sari for their targets...
But all this is nothing, next to the terrible drama which happened live on national TV in Turkmenistan, during the evening news: a magnificent cockroach specimen, a superb beauty all in sensual curves, took a stroll on the desk of the anchorman (lucky thing it wasn't an anchorwoman!), live, at dinner time. After an avalanche of angry letters from disgusted viewers who had lost their appetite, the sanction fell: 30 employees of the TV network were sacked on the spot! Unemployed in Turkmenistan, oh the horror!
I haven't found out what punishment the roach got.
All this really bugs me...
Tu veux pas de Natacha? "Alors casse-toi, pauvre con!" - (Nicolas Sarkozy)
Depuis 6 ans, les Taliban ne règnent plus sur l'Afghanistan. Bonne nouvelle? Tu parles! Pas pour les femmes. ABSOLUMENT RIEN n'a changé pour nos sœurs. Aujourd'hui même, les filles n'ont toujours pas le droit d'aller à l'école, et leur destin typique est de ne servir que de pondeuses à gosses et d'esclaves à barbus boxeurs (l'alcoolisme est interdit, mais il y a de l'opium à volonté...). AU MOINS 60% sont mariées de force et brutalisées, ce qui les pousse au désespoir, au point que 87% d'entre elles ne voient pas d'autre échappatoire que le suicide. En s'immolant par le feu. Comme en Inde.
Il y a 1300 ans, en Europe, on se mariait très tôt. 14 ou 15 ans, pour une jeune fille, c'était un âge correct. Etre encore célibataire à 23 ans, c'était devenir "vieille fille". Une de mes arrière-grand-mères s'est mariée à 16 ans (et les autres, je ne sais pas). Les temps changent. J'ai entendu que Marie de Nazareth, mère de Jésus, s'était fiancée à 12 ou 13 ans il y a 2000 ans. Il y a 1300 ans, Mahomet (Muhammad, THE Prophète himself), alors âgé de 50 ans et quelques, se fiançait à la petite Aïcha, 6 ans, et attendait qu'elle en ait 9 avant de consommer le mariage. C'était en des temps reculés (dans tous les sens du terme), et il se peut -qui sait?- que Aïcha ait eu une puberté précoce, qu'elle "soit devenue une femme" à 9 ans. Je ne jugerai pas de ce que je connais mal. Mais aujourd'hui, les fillettes afghanes sont, au grand jour, VENDUES comme épouses A L'AGE DE 6 ANS.
"Putain, 6 ans!" - (Jacques Chirac)
Si c'est pas de la pédophilie légale qui aurait même fait gerber le Prophète, je ne sais pas ce que c'est!!!
Je n'ai pas encore d'enfants (je suis encore disponible, avis aux jolies demoiselles de 18 à 108 ans), mais si je vivais en Afghanistan et qu'un pouilleux hirsute et bestial regardait ma fille de 6 ans avant de me demander un prix, je prendrais un grand couteau, et je lui couperais sa barbe pouilleuse! En coupant profondément, quitte à abîmer la gorge, si vous saisissez...
J'ai une idée géniale, pour aider à changer cela: je m'achète un appareil à échographie, je vais m'installer à Kaboul la ville maboule ("maboul", de l'arabe "mahboul", demeuré), et je fais des diagnostics prénataux du sexe de l'enfant, pour maximum la moitié d'une dot par tête de pipe. Et avortement gratuit en prime, si c'est une fille. (Proposition alternative: je les soulage du bébé à la naissance, et je lui trouve une VRAIE famille qui l'adoptera.) Mathématiquement, d'ici 30 ans cette sous-espèce indigne d'être appelée "humains" devrait s'éteindre, faute de femelles. Franchement, c'est tentant...
Autre lieu, en Inde des femmes battues commencent à réagir. Elles ont formé un "gang de rue", nommé les Saris Roses (devinez en quoi consiste leur uniforme), qui se soutiennent, apprennent l'auto-défense, et éventuellement appliquent la loi du talion aux époux brutaux. Quand j'entends ça, ça rit rose chez moi.
Mais tout ceci n'est rien à côté du terrible drame qui a eu lieu en direct à la télévision nationale du Turkménistan, durant le journal télévisé: un magnifique spécimen de cacrelat, une superbe beauté toute en rondeurs sensuelles, s'est promenée sur le bureau du présentateur (encore une chance, ce n'était pas une présentatrice!), en direct, à l'heure du dîner. Devant l'avalanche de lettres de protestations de spectateurs dégoûtés à l'appétit compromis, la sanction est tombée: 30 employés de la TV ont été virés aussi sec! Chômeur au Turkménistan, l'horreur!
Je n'ai pas su quelle sanction a subie le cafard.
Tout ça donne le cafard, non?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Dourak 3 : Afghanistan inferno
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
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Its nice to see women in India rising up but I personally don't like sari, seriously, but please don't think that I hate India. I prefer a more western sexier attire. :-) How about you?
Well, a sari can be very comfy. :-)
I also like sexy western attitre. Especially sexy western attitre like the pretty girl pictured in this interview:
Yes, it is but did you know that women find it quite hard to wear and stay in shape with that attire. Its not appropriatte in jobs for women who need to do their jobs fast. Women themselves don't find it comfy, its just most Indian males lie that a sari is quite comfy.
Pajamas also are very comfy. But I wouldn't work in a metal factory while wearing them, either.
Here's a small friendly suggestion: next time, you can put your name at the top of your comments by clicking the "Name/URL" option instead of "Anonymous".
I don't know if it's comfy, but it's classy. :-)
Well, its one of the classies which I don't prefer.
I heard somewhere that Mary of Nazareth, mother of Jesus, got engaged at age 12 or 13, 2000 years ago.
I'd like to know where this "fact" came from.
You've got to love that Mo. He had class.
It's traditionally accepted as an evident fact in the Oriental christian community. You have to understand that Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic are very closely related languages. While the West relies on second or third translations like King James' version (further influenced by the specific culture of the times), over here we have the Texts available practically in their original formulation. Most figures of speech used haven't changed since Year One A.D. and are still in use! (Some of the culture is also unchanged...) When a Lebanese reads the Gospel, he needs nobody's help to understand, for example, that the term "brother" has a much broader meaning than just the children of one's mother and father. [Remember the African-American community speak: it can be almost as general. Cousins, friends, members of the same ethny...]
Similarly, the word "virgin" is a european interpretation, among many possible choices at the time of translation. The original word is closer to "maiden" or "damsel", to be understood as "a pure nubile young girl from a fine family". Therefore, around twelve, typical age for marriage in these days, according to the accounts of some apocryphal Gospels -which HAD to conform to the contemporary beliefs to be plausible!- and also, I believe, historical evidence.
In other words, "it's pretty obvious where I stand from". Much less if you're entirely a modern Westerner. Also, it is confirmed by many scientific articles I read in (Western) mainstream publication over the last years.
[From Wikipedia:] "The Gospel of Matthew describes Mary as a virgin who fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14. The Hebrew word almah that appears in this verse, and the Greek word parthenos that Jews used to translate it in the Greek Septuagint that Matthew quotes here, have been the subjects of dispute for almost two millennia, since almah simply means young woman, rather than virgin (in Hebrew, the word betulah would be an unambiguous translation)."
I can confirm personally: Lebanese Christians worship Maryam al-betulah (also pronounced batulah or batul), and at weddings the priest asks "Do you take *****, the Lord's amah, for your wife?"
Which doesn't keep the vast majority of people in the parish around me from firmly believing that Mary conceived a virgin, "gave birth a virgin" (meaning that by some mandatory miracle her flesh hymen didn't even break THEN), and died a virgin (correction: "ascended"), never "knowing" her husband for the following thirty years of their marital life. Why would it have been sinful, I haven't got a clue, the guy wasn't the revered founder of the Christian Church yet, didn't even mean to start something SEPARATE from the judaic tradition. Which, incidentally, RECOMMENDED that rabbis marry and have children, and still does...
Someone once even explained to me very learnedly that baby Jesus was born "by crossing matter and coming straight out of her belly without passing through the shameful place, a miraculous birth concluding a miraculous conception, that left her a virgin". There's the Texts, and then there's the (ahem!) "enlightened insight brought by blind faith".
You wouldn't believe how much of what one hears in local Catechism comes from Apocryphs, and is unmentioned in the Canons. Same with islamic education: Qur'an and Hadith (Text and Tradition) are inextricably mixed.
People love to focus on details of cult and religion rather than on the core spirit. Not me (see my profile).
"Morality is everywhere the same for all men, therefore it comes from God; cults differ, therefore they are the work of men." - Voltaire
"La morale est la même chez tous les hommes, donc elle vient de Dieu; le culte est différent, donc il est l’ouvrage des hommes."
"You've got to love that Mo. He had class."
You said it! [John XVIII, 37]
But let us not flirt with the Danish Syndrome, a.k.a. jyllandis posteniasis hyperthermia. I have plans for the next 50 years of my life, and they include breathing...
Goes without saying as a conclusion, but I care very little about what label of religion one believes in. I care infinitely more about the spirit they believe with. In ALL religions, I've seen all kinds, the best, the worst, and the average. Including in atheists.
Sometimes, living in a very diverse country like Lebanon can be immensely enriching. You SEE the others, live with them, instead of just trusting the hear-says of your own isolated community. If you have the potential, you can see and know for yourself that all humans are equal, and one's sole choices make a difference.
Oops! Correction.
I did some checking, and it appears I made a smal mistake: amah isn't equivalent to the hebrew almah. It actually means "servant" or "slave". (Again, both these nuances were quite similar in ancient times.) So one marries "the humble servant of the Lord", not "the Lord's maiden".
Just for the record.
Speaking of servants, in Arabic the same word, "abed", is used to describe a black African and a slave. Very revealing culturally...
But then again, some Europeans still use the expression "work like a negro" to mean "treated like a slave". The echo of the howls from the ghosts of the past can still be heard...
Pascal, I haven't yet read in its entirety your answer to good ol' Johnnie Walker, but a damsel is an unmarried woman and wouldn't really make sense; one of the definitions of maiden is "virgin".
Anyway there is no point in talking about what evidence there is because that should be irrelevant. The basis of all religions - and without which no religion could work - is blind faith. "Proof" or "facts" should have nothing to do with it - and religious people will agree with that except when a discovery confirms or appears to confirm their beliefs.
As you said, Joe: ONE of the definitions. such words are blurry in meaning, with many details implied.
As for the rest of what you say... hey, what can I say, when you're right, you're right, man! And don't I know it from Catechism!
In fact, I read a recent neuro-psychology article which said that by very definition, religious belief means accepting impossible things [like, say, a virgin having a baby]. It turns out from the study that the more unlikely, the bigger chances are that one will believe in them.
So, that new religion I planned to found based on the infinity of human stupidity hasn't got the ghost of a chance to take off. Too plausible to be believed! Ah well, I'd better write super-hero comics:
"Thor, asgardian son of Odin, came to Earth to join Herc and the Avengers in fighting the commie nazis in Baghdad. Why? Well, he was getting bored of gettin' no more respect in Walhalla, see, so he thought, `d'uh, hey, there are groupies in Amerika, ja, and they worship jocks with long blonde hair and big muscles, I could even surf with that metal Oscar guy or get elected State Governor on the West Coast`. And thus, the legend begun. So did the groping allegations, but that's unpermitted by the Comics Code Authority."
Hey, I'm good at that supernatural junk!
I wonder if I can mention Quetzalcoatl dumping Isis for Kali because her many arms promised more Kama-Sutra potential... Yeah, that's the kind of stuff that would sell with true believers! :-)
One thing about all this: People don't give that Joseph guy enough credit. That whole virgin birth thing? If it happened - I mean, sure, after the fact it's all great but before...okay, he must've had faith and all that shit out the fucking wazoo.
Dripping from his ears, at the very least. I figured so much in Catechism when I was 7.
The way people describe/retell the story of what they religiously believe in, often isn't much more plausible than the rest. More akin to a legend, Beowulf style. For instance, they tell us this country carpenter guy just walked in the Temple and kicked all the merchants out. All their wealthy and powerful bunch, single-handedly, "just like that"? Um... didn't they have security? I mean, 'twas the blumen' Temple, you know, holiest of places and all... "Oh yeah? You and what army?"
That was no humble commoner walking barefoot in the dust. He HAD to enjoy a high social status, and to have many supporting friends, or they'd've arrested him way earlier if he was merely a lowly troublemaker. We know the idea of arresting him inspired great caution to his many and very influential enemies, but there are little details logically explaining WHY.
Another mystery: as a kid, he was already discussing with the Temple priests and amazing them. Early blooming talent for theology, like Mozart. Yet, he only went public at age 30, apparently still single. What did he do with his time and life between, say, 18 and 30? Just mope around in his parents' basement? Did he get a job? Apprenticize carpenting? Run for mayor? Try to get a date? We haven't got a clue. "The public has the right to know, you're a public figure, Mister J.
- Verily I tell you, no comment. Just... trust me on this, okay?"
I really wonder how "blind faith" can be compatible with "the enlightenment of the Truth". Another great unfathomable divine mystery? Or fear of questioning the version of the many clergies, threatening the influence of their EARTHLY authority?...
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo Galilei [courtesy of Eo]
Have you checked my link of a "pretty girl in sexy western attire" above? :-)
Well, Pascal, he did have those gnarly powers. If the soldiers had been sent to arrest him, he could have just wasted them with his Jedi powers. "I find your lack of faith disturbing..."
I'm mostly disturbed as to how they dared even THINK of sending soldiers (even mere lightsaber fodder) to arrest him AFTER that stunt, if he displayed those Jedi powers of his, knowhatimsayin'? I mean, that execution gig, and all. A big risk. The Roman Empire was THIS close to falling prematurely, had he gone berzerk over the little unpleasantness on that cross.
Oh, wait, I've got it: THEY KNEW. Samson lost his powers if he had a (bad?) haircut, and "the jewish troublemaker" if a guy kissed him in a remote garden at night. Darth Treacherous strikes again! Oh, those Rotten Romans were devious allright! More Vicious than the Vikings, more Terrible than the Tudors, more Vile than the Victorians...
P.S.: I knew about the disturbance. You think I didn't notice the mess you made while you were searching for my lack of faith?
Um... BTW, where was it? Hadn't seen the darned thing for years.
Yes, I have checked the girl with the western attire. But western attires are becomin' more and more of a norm which I very happy about. Maybe I might be known as the father of westernization in India. LOL!
Shame on you, man. What would Gandhi's spirit say, after all those efforts to DE-WESTERNIZE India?
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