My favorite primate, Bobby Mugabbie, wants to take on boxing to smash into bits the Cholera and the collective wrath of the world, that's more and more outraged at his outrageousness. Come on, Roro, aren't you done monkeying around on TV? People are watching... Latest democratic quote from the little big ape that has the baboons howling with laughter atop the coconut trees: "Zimbabwe is MINE!"
Well, at least he's got the merit of being straightforward about it. If not for any other merit at all...
You'd think the Hitler style mustache would have definitely fallen out of fashion after 1945. It depends... is the Moo Gabber out of fashion?
Still, admit it, what a gorgeous hunk!Mon primate favori, Bobby Mugabbie, veut se mettre à la boxe pour estourbir le Choléra ainsi que la colère du monde, de plus en plus outré par ses outrances. Enfin, Roro, c'est pas fini les singeries à la télé? Les gens te regardent... Dernière citation démocratique du ouistiti qui fait hurler de rire les macaques dans leurs cocotiers: "Le Zimbabwe est à MOI!"
Il a au moins le mérite de la franchise. A défaut d'avoir le moindre autre mérite...
On croyait que la moustache façon Hitler serait définitivement passée de mode après 1945. Ça dépend... est-que le Mou Gabet est passé de mode?
N'empêche, quel bel homme!
A demonstration of the Women's Temperance League in Beirut:
"Yes to shooting shoes, no to downing booze!"
According to Dick Cheney, the Hezbollah is currently designing a new model of long range shoes, with a remote guidance system. Because from now on, Dubya's press conferences are like the mosque: if you're wearing shoes, you can't come in!Manifestation de la Ligue Féminine Antialcoolique à Beyrouth:
"Oui aux tirs de chaussures, non à s'envoyer un verre!"
Selon Dick Cheney, le Hezbollah mettrait au point un nouveau modèle de chaussure à longue portée, avec guidage à distance. Parce que dorénavant, les conférences de presse de Deubeuliou, c'est comme la mosquée: pas question de rentrer chaussé!
New security measures: from now on, before entering a press conference, Mister Bush casts a glance behind the door.
Next planned tactic from the terrorists: coming after having eaten falafels, and making a biochemical attack!
Let's hope there isn't an added spark. These days, the world political atmosphere is a bit stormy... Bang!?
Or maybe they'll give him the old water bucket trick. But water's scarce, in Iraq. I have heard say that locals replced it with camel pee-pee.Nouvelles mesures de sécurité: dorénavant, avant d'entrer dans une conférence de presse, Mister Bush jette un coup d'œil derrière la porte.
La prochaine tactique prévue des terroristes: venir après avoir mangé des falafels, et faire un attentat biochimique!
Pourvu qu'il n'y ait pas une étincelle, en prime. Ces temps-ci, l'atmosphère politique mondiale est orageuse... Bang!?
Ou alors, ils lui feront le coup du seau d'eau. Mais l'eau est rare, en Irak. J'ai ouï-dire que les locaux la remplaçaient par du pipi de chameau.
Monday, December 22, 2008
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Monday, December 22, 2008
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I don't want to hear a word against my pal BM (Bobby Mugabe, not Bowel Movement). Y'hear that, Frenchie?! Huh?!
I did mention that I found your pal handsome, didn't I? ;-)
And FYI, I'm not Albanese, I'm Lebanese! I mean, I'm not a Frenchie, I'm a Farting... I mean Freedom... I mean I'm Alban... I mean a Phoenician, not a Frenchman... oh, whatever!
(takes an aspirin)
You've got to play up the Frenchie angle when you're traveling abroad - chicks dig the accent. Gives them the female equivalent of a big rubbery one.
Yes, I no. Tank you beaucoup mystaire Dique. Le goude advisse.
Actuallemently, I ham trayning wiz zee French MIME accente, zey sey eet eez most populaire for 'itting on damzails.
'ere ees a leetle professionnel sicraite: zee femmes coll eet simply "le Big One".
Eet taikes big talente to geev zee Big One. But... zat ees why zey coll eet le French Touch, oui? Bicoze you 'ave two no 'ow two TOUCH zem correctement. Le "gold finger"... Zee trick eez een listening two le partenaire. Bee een tune wiz l'Amour.
Ah, l'Amour.
Being in tune with "l'Amour" means knowing how to find the "Gee Whizz" spot. Press the right buttons. Be in synch with the Great Vibration. And then, play cosmic music on your synthetizer.
This old dog knows a few tricks...
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